Meaning of radio silence
Meaning of radio silence

meaning of radio silence

Distress communications (highest priority).Important procedural wordsBefore listing important words and phrases, it would perhaps be beneficial to list the priority of communications:

meaning of radio silence

After contact has been established, whatever message you wish to transmit follows you identification and is followed by “OVER”.The identity of the station called, followed by “THIS IS + (Your identification),” followed by the word “OVER”, which always ends your portion of a conversation segment.

meaning of radio silence

Most non-emergency calls follow the same pattern:

  • Follow the established order of transmission where applicable.
  • Establish, when there is time, a pitch that is most comprehensible, as well as the optimal distance of mouth from microphone, tempo and volume.
  • Speak clearly without emitting extraneous sounds.
  • Use all prescribed words, codes and phrases.
  • In urgent situations it is common for the speaker to ‘mouth’ the microphone, blurring the sounds so that they become incomprehensible. At the initiation of any transmission the operator should be aware of the microphone placement, so that he is not to close or too far from the microphone. Other than following prescribed pronunciations and processes, the operator must always remain conscious of precision in pronunciation, and refrain from inserting extra sounds into his speech-even such reflexive habitual sounds as ‘ah’, ‘er’, ‘um’, etc. As you can see from the expression of numbers, an initial system is in the process of being scrapped for one that is more likely to ensure accurate transmission and comprehension. Following the directives of pronunciation is imperative for the operator. Radio transmission clarity requires a shift from natural habits of speech into a more self-conscious procedure emphasizing clarity, brevity and certainty. Speaking and listening on the radio are distinct activities from normal speaking and listening, and this is particularly important to remember when speaking.

    Meaning of radio silence